Fresh Start Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference آخرین مطالب
نويسندگان سه شنبه 24 آذر 1394برچسب:, :: 22:23 :: نويسنده : Kobra
i-Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?i i-On a baseball field!i A diamond is a beautiful, clear stone used in jewelry, but it is also the name of the playing field in the game of baseball. A baseball diamond is shaped something like the stone.i Athough the most perfect diamonds are mined in far-off lands, in America there are diamonds that are much bigger and more precious. Any American can tell you that these diamonds are found on a baseball field!i i-How do you make seven even?i i-Take off the s!i Seven is an odd number: that is, it can't be divided by two. The opposite of an odd number is an even number.i نظرات شما عزیزان: پيوندها
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